Adult Family Care (AFC)
Our Adult Family Care (AFC) services (sometimes called Adult Foster Care) are highly personalized, depending on both the person who needs assistance and the Caregiver, whether or not the Caregiver is a family member.

When Jamal's mother could not live alone any longer, he brought her to live with his family in Brockton. He was eager to be trained as a caregiver, and felt that he wanted to 'give back' for all of the years that his mother had taken care of him.
However, it was hard making ends meet with yet another person to feed and shelter. Then he heard about Victory Human Services AFC program - Adult Family Care. Now he receives a monthly payment that allows him to take care of his mother with dignity. "I never thought we would be this happy again," Jamal says, "Thank you, Victory Human Services."
Caregiver Testimonial: "It gives me peace of mind knowing that my mom is happy, independent, and safe in her own home with her family around. I enjoy caring for her and making sure she is taken care of at all times." - Jamal, Springfield
To be eligible to become a member of Victory's Adult Family Care (AFC) program, the person who needs assistance must be:
• 16 years of age or older
• Eligible for Medicaid (MassHealth)
* Requires 24-hour live-in assistance
• Needs help with one or more daily activities:
- Bathing
- Dressing
- Walking
- Transferring (Getting in and out of bed)
- Using the Bathroom
- Eating
Being a Caregiver is demanding and we want to ensure the highest quality of services, so we:
Conduct an initial assessment to ensure the settings meet all MassHealth requirements for safety.
Do a thorough screening with references, criminal history checks, and recent medical information.
Provide Caregiver training and ongoing support.
Want to find out if your loved one qualifies?
It’s easy! Just click or scan on the QR code below:

Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) and Transitional Assistance

Shellie, age 91, is a Transitional Assistance client of Victory Human Services (not real name or her likeness). A long-time resident of central Massachusetts, she originally hailed from Georgia. She raised a large family and worked in the hospitality industry for many years. Shellie who was also a diabetic, suffered a stroke and was hospitalized for some time. She eventually returned home and after freak accident she suffered a leg injury, which over time did not heal properly, and her leg had to be amputated due to her diabetes. Once again, after a lengthy stay in a nursing home, Shellie received the support of Victory’s Transitional Assistance services to bring her home.
Her son Jeffrie commented, “While we were initially concerned about how we could bring my mother home safely, we were really excited to work with Victory Human Services because your staff were extremely professional, worked well with members of our family and really kept the process of bringing my mother home moving. “ He summarized: “It was seamless.”
Shellie is excited to be home. “Victory knew how to advocate on behalf of my mother and worked with the state to prepare her home for her return," Jeffrie adds, Thank you, Victory, for everything that you have done to assist our mother, and our family!”
The Transitional Assistance Program helps clients who may be coming out of a nursing home or rehabilitation setting and eases their transition back into the community. Victory Human Services might help them find suitable housing, furnishings, health services or in-home vase management and support, depending on their needs and the referring agency.
An Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) is damage to the brain that was not present at birth. It is not hereditary or degenerative such as Alzheimer’s Disease or Parkinson’s Disease. A non-traumatic ABI can result from stroke, infection to the brain, encephalitis, a brain tumor, lack of oxygen and other causes. When an ABI results from an impact or physical trauma to the brain such as a fall, a motor accident or an assault, it is called a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). In both cases, an ABI can result in long term physical disabilities, loss of functional abilities.
Our ABI services are available for MassHealth participants who have ABI and who are able to live in their own home or apartment, or in the home of a Caregiver. Every brain injury is different, and Victory Human Services custom-tailors each program to meet the needs of the individual with our managed services that offer the greatest degree possible of choice and independence. Our short or long-term services might include providing an adult companion or Caregiver, in-home day service, specialized individual support, community rehabilitation, and more.
We welcome your interest in our program, however, individuals cannot refer themselves or family members for Victory Human Services ABI program. Those referrals must come through your Mass Health or other medical providers. Please contact Mass Health at
1-800-841-2900 or the Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts. Thank you!
Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS)

Imelda (not her real name or likeness) lives in Dorchester with two other individuals. All three have been friends for years, and have a good relationship and enjoy sharing activities.
When the previous agency that was helping Imelda had to close, she was referred to Victory Human Services by the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services.
From the the time she became a client of Victory Human Services, Imelda expressed a desire to be more independent, and to be involved more in her community. She is very outgoing and enjoys spending time with her friends and family, but she still needed help with things like scheduling her medical appointments and learning how to budget. With the help of Victory Human Services, she is much more independent and connected to her friends and her community.
"They are there whenever I need them, " she comments. "I don't think I could get by without their help. I am happier, and less afraid of the future. My only dream is to be able to continue living with my friends."
The Developmental Disabilities Services Program supports individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and provides them with opportunities to live the way they choose. We believe that people are greater than their disabilities, and we work in partnership with families and individuals to provide culturally competent and respectful services to all individuals of various ethnic-racial groups.
Victory Human Services provides a variety of services including:
• Fully-staffed and supervised residential homes
• In-home support with highly trained Caregivers and
24/ 7 Case Management
• Shared Living Homes with a Caregiver’s care and supervision
In Massachusetts alone, there are 32,000 adults with intellectual disabilities and children with developmental disabilities receiving support from more than 200 provider agencies. Victory Human Services is proud to be one of the leading non-profit agencies providing culturally competent DDS services in a way that promotes community integration and fosters independence. As advocates, we strive to increase public awareness and support for people with developmental disabilities.
Individuals cannot refer themselves or family members for Victory Human Services DDS program. Please contact the Massachusetts Dept. of Developmental Services at 617-727-5608 or visit their website at to apply for services online. Thank you!